Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First meeting a success!

Thanks to everyone who came to the first meeting of our reading club! Heather's classroom was cozy and welcoming, and we had plenty of coffee and goodies to go along with the discussion of Penny Candy.

We tried to keep things to a sensible time limit, but with enough time for all the little side discussions that invariably come up, so it looks like meetings will run from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.

Next month's meeting will be on the third Monday in September, at 7:00pm. We've decided to read Anthem, a novella by Ayn Rand that provides a good introduction to her works. Heather has found an online source where you can read it: Anthem. If you'd rather have your own copy, you should be able to find it at the library or a used book store, or you can order it from

I'll try to post a picture or two from our first meeting; we had a great time, and I hope even more people will join us next month!

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